Rifqi Aulia Zaki

Completed Solves
Indonesia 2010ZAKI01 Male 8 303

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 363 8059 22289 10.78 12.23 17181 6325 265
2x2x2 Cube 366 6641 24597 3.15 4.74 21129 6100 288
4x4x4 Cube 320 6586 18882 52.11 58.34 17853 6270 305
5x5x5 Cube 280 5382 17667 2:04.10 2:46.53 19797 5858 334
3x3x3 Blindfolded 88 1069 3192 1:55.78
3x3x3 Fewest Moves 107 2206 8087 49
3x3x3 One-Handed 206 4250 11479 19.43 22.90 9843 3759 173
Clock 314 5105 23876 1:06.59
Megaminx 175 3528 13615 2:03.77 2:18.75 12666 3294 164
Pyraminx 318 5367 20149 5.83 10.42 29700 8193 463
Skewb 660 10745 44873 13.27 16.39 38028 9364 582
Square-1 132 2387 10680 30.50 46.38 12002 2664 150
4x4x4 Blindfolded 39 427 1579 18:45.00
3x3x3 Multi-Blind 108 899 3344 1/2 9:18

Medal Collection

Gold Silver Bronze
0 1 1
3x3x3 Cube
Bogor Open 2017 Final 8 11.82 13.27 13.3113.3113.1813.8011.82
Second round 8 12.18 13.23 14.0413.4712.1813.9112.32
First round 11 12.07 13.61 12.0713.8313.8816.1913.13
BSD Open 2016 Final 7 12.74 14.29 15.9016.1512.7413.4913.49
First round 8 11.27 13.51 12.8817.1911.2713.0014.66
Fun Fasting Day 2011 Final 4 12.58 13.68 13.4113.9312.5822.8413.71
Second round 4 10.78 12.23 13.0810.7811.1931.2712.43
First round 6 13.00 13.87 13.5314.4617.7113.6313.00
Indonesian Open 2011 Second round 20 12.44 14.49 16.8814.4714.1112.4414.88
First round 34 14.33 15.76 14.3316.3616.2716.3114.71
Jakarta Speedcubing Competition 2011 Second round 16 13.61 15.20 15.5613.6116.2115.3014.75
First round 12 12.84 15.45 14.9712.8416.6914.69DNF
Malaysian Cube Open 2010 Second round 22 13.78 15.96 14.0316.3813.7817.4617.65
First round 31 13.69 17.26 16.1613.6916.0820.7519.53
Jakarta Ceria Open 2010 Second round 24 13.36 17.09 13.3619.8018.2513.5519.46
First round 20 14.30 16.19 17.8016.9114.3015.2816.38
Indonesian Championship 2010 First round 60 16.81 21.15 22.9616.8125.5221.7718.72
Qualification round 26 16.61 19.09 21.1616.6119.2717.5920.40
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