Yi Zhao (赵奕)

Completed Solves
China 2010ZHAO14 Male 5 102

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 3800 11274 30895 11.85 15.01 35722 13364 4590
2x2x2 Cube 3333 10847 38563 3.86 5.32 30547 9029 2864
4x4x4 Cube 3539 10356 31228 1:07.13 1:10.42 26471 8812 2974
5x5x5 Cube 1795 5442 17895 2:05.19 2:24.30 17693 5303 1687
3x3x3 One-Handed 3700 11308 31357 31.33 35.40 27088 9999 3312
3x3x3 Cube
Hefei Spring 2014 Second round 33 15.83 15.97 15.8917.4516.0815.8315.95
First round 26 11.85 15.06 14.7317.8515.0115.4411.85
Luoyang Open 2013 First round 9 14.88 16.74 20.3419.4714.8815.6815.06
Zhengzhou Autumn 2011 Second round 14 12.58 16.67 16.3415.5020.7512.5818.16
First round 14 15.11 17.51 16.5015.1121.2719.7716.27
Zhengzhou Open 2011 Final 4 14.40 16.12 16.9316.4116.4014.4015.56
First round 2 13.40 15.01 15.2715.4113.4015.4314.34
Hunan Open 2010 Second round 10 16.75 19.05 20.9316.7516.8421.1119.38
First round 7 15.44 17.45 19.5615.4416.9615.83DNF
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