Guan Ying Chen (陳冠穎)

Completed Solves
Chinese Taipei 2011CHEN03 Male 7 333

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 190 3384 9653 8.81 9.90 5973 2099 113
2x2x2 Cube 286 5180 19743 2.89 4.07 12134 3335 165
4x4x4 Cube 137 1451 4185 35.15 38.74 3200 1127 106
5x5x5 Cube 126 1071 3116 1:08.56 1:12.54 2411 832 98
6x6x6 Cube 98 970 3093 2:27.06 2:52.90 4102 1271 120
7x7x7 Cube 88 946 2900 3:50.72 4:04.48 2851 927 85
3x3x3 Blindfolded 38 1087 3258 1:57.68
3x3x3 One-Handed 88 1741 4906 15.17 17.84 3773 1371 68

Medal Collection

Gold Silver Bronze
1 4 9
3x3x3 Cube
Maru Cube for Kids Day 2015 Final 3 9.30 10.38 11.1710.849.459.3010.84
Second round 2 9.06 9.90 10.239.0611.0710.139.33
First round 3 8.81 10.61 8.819.4112.769.6712.98
Kaohsiung Open 2013 Final 3 9.21 10.46 9.889.2110.6110.8811.44
Second round 4 9.78 11.09 11.829.7813.0011.4010.06
First round 4 9.21 10.82 10.849.219.6911.9312.60
Taiwan Summer Open 2013 Final 3 8.90 10.22 9.8311.2513.418.909.59
Semi Final 3 9.66 10.90 11.979.6611.0611.5910.05
Second round 9 10.16 11.93 13.7111.2510.8310.1613.83
First round 5 9.33 11.58 12.6812.8610.529.3311.55
MARU Cube for kid Day 2013 Final 3 10.46 11.35 13.6812.3610.9610.4610.72
Second round 5 10.25 12.29 13.0610.2514.8413.4410.38
First round 5 11.38 12.74 11.3813.0414.1912.6212.55
Taiwan Summer Open 2012 Final 8 11.66 12.70 11.8013.3712.9311.6615.21
Second round 11 11.41 12.10 11.8511.8612.6011.4113.25
First round 12 9.94 12.89 11.6512.6533.119.9414.38
Taiwan Summer 2011 Second round 19 12.77 14.62 15.6914.1812.7714.0915.60
First round 13 11.99 13.71 17.1715.5812.7012.8411.99
Taiwan Winter Open 2011 Final 15 14.59 16.31 17.9348.0614.5914.7816.21
First round 14 11.19 13.74 19.3611.1912.6914.2514.28
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