Adli Ihsan Hariadi

Completed Solves
Indonesia 2011HARI01 Male 4 156

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 595 12490 34187 12.25 13.84 27433 10250 437
2x2x2 Cube 262 5121 19534 2.88 4.66 19953 5716 264
4x4x4 Cube 370 7393 21442 55.03 1:02.08 20702 7189 357
3x3x3 Blindfolded 188 2025 6100 3:25.38
3x3x3 One-Handed 256 5005 13492 20.59 27.63 16735 6401 325
Pyraminx 348 5867 22048 6.06 10.92 33205 9138 512

Medal Collection

Gold Silver Bronze
1 1 2
3x3x3 Cube
Malang Cube Day 2012 Final 3 13.11 13.84 21.3013.2713.1114.5813.68
Second round 3 12.84 13.99 21.6515.1613.8812.8412.94
First round 5 15.80 17.50 20.7216.7718.9615.8016.77
Indonesian Open 2011 Second round 21 12.25 14.81 14.2112.2516.1318.0214.09
First round 25 12.44 15.17 12.4414.0516.1917.4115.27
Malang Speedsolving 2011 Final 2 15.08 15.66 15.0817.0515.4115.1516.41
Second round 2 12.25 15.01 14.9412.2515.4714.6116.16
First round 2 13.21 15.16 14.9317.3313.2115.2215.33
Surabaya Open 2011 Second round 14 16.41 19.01 23.0620.2719.4317.3316.41
First round 7 15.52 15.85 16.2515.5215.7215.5919.65
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