Dian Hayati

Completed Solves
Indonesia 2011HAYA03 Female 11 140

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 2746 46872 139046 27.30 29.99 125491 42964 2499
2x2x2 Cube 2650 46352 160026 41.15
4x4x4 Cube 954 14630 47623 1:33.59 1:45.39 40581 12582 850
5x5x5 Cube 322 5962 19960 2:14.95 2:24.86 17777 5321 288
6x6x6 Cube 111 2558 9343 4:02.02 5:11.27 9583 2618 124
7x7x7 Cube 90 2124 7390 5:50.44 6:29.18 6880 1994 89
Megaminx 281 5435 24039 3:30.00
Pyraminx 1474 27047 101120 18.74 25.37 97530 26219 1431
Skewb 758 12471 52987 17.27 29.59 55700 13019 799
3x3x3 Cube
Indian Nationals 2017 First round 139 27.83 29.99 31.1631.2629.1729.6327.83
Mumbai Open 2014 First round 86 27.30 34.32 36.2827.3037.6134.7831.90
Indian Nationals 2014 First round 91 36.30 42.29 41.0646.9136.3047.6038.89
Pune Fall Open 2014 First round 41 39.52 45.99 52.5942.8939.521:00.5942.48
Speed Cubing Mumbai Unlimited 2014 First round 72 34.90 44.57 47.3943.8547.4534.9042.47
Techfest Cube Mania 2014 First round 55 36.53 44.03 50.7743.6836.5342.5645.84
Bombay Open 2013 First round 49 36.79 46.15 36.7953.1946.6740.8550.94
DJ Open 2013 First round 66 41.99 48.88 1:12.2646.2653.8141.9946.57
Speed Cubing Mumbai Unlimited 2013 First round 62 1:02.42 1:07.77 DNF1:12.891:07.671:02.421:02.74
Speedcubing Mumbai Unlimited 2011 First round 50 1:14.94 2:34.45 DNF1:14.943:18.971:51.912:32.46
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