Xiao Hu (胡霄)

Completed Solves
China 2011HUXI01 Male 17 875

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 1528 4701 13268 9.46 11.32 12143 4423 1470
2x2x2 Cube 535 1842 7855 2.10 3.71 8394 2211 645
4x4x4 Cube 413 1324 3823 34.55 40.93 4334 1543 521
5x5x5 Cube 394 1256 3683 1:11.15 1:26.37 5367 1830 584
6x6x6 Cube 482 1384 4553 2:46.80 3:04.81 4932 1477 523
7x7x7 Cube 396 1031 3216 3:58.70 4:11.98 3134 1009 395
3x3x3 Blindfolded 278 830 2516 1:37.72
3x3x3 Fewest Moves 126 417 1716 31 39.00 2080 512 178
3x3x3 One-Handed 444 1317 3830 14.27 17.94 3881 1414 482
Clock 585 1937 8272 12.04 13.45 7163 1658 486
Megaminx 757 2334 8479 1:33.50 1:39.43 7453 2038 666
Pyraminx 1169 3521 13104 4.86 6.79 9212 2656 939
Skewb 193 599 2571 2.92 5.82 4347 1193 417
Square-1 282 1047 4647 17.65 25.44 5114 1201 333
3x3x3 Multi-Blind 233 951 3530 2/4 21:18

Medal Collection

Gold Silver Bronze
4 10 15

Record Collection

3x3x3 Cube
Hangzhou Winter Open 2014 Final 5 9.70 12.59 11.879.7013.7814.7112.11
Second round 4 10.38 11.86 13.3310.9110.3811.3313.76
First round 8 9.87 13.67 15.8315.079.8722.7810.12
Guangdong Open 2014 Semi Final 16 9.46 12.76 12.759.4615.1213.1912.35
Second round 24 11.91 14.21 14.2014.2111.9115.1214.21
First round 22 10.33 13.58 13.3112.5216.2114.9010.33
Cross-strait Cubing Exchange 2014 Second round 35 11.97 14.80 13.6616.8717.6611.9713.87
First round 16 11.43 12.88 15.0012.2512.2214.1611.43
Shantou Open 2014 Second round 15 12.31 14.14 12.3112.9715.6113.8315.73
First round 4 12.11 12.39 12.1113.1112.7912.2212.16
Nantong Open 2014 Final 2 10.03 11.32 16.0510.0311.2510.8411.88
Second round 5 12.00 13.18 12.5614.3415.2112.0012.63
First round 16 12.58 14.89 DNF16.6412.5813.4914.55
Suzhou Open 2014 Second round 21 11.56 13.32 14.5313.9712.7713.2311.56
First round 13 11.94 12.48 11.9412.5611.9613.7812.93
Zhejiang University Open 2014 Final 7 10.73 13.16 14.7310.7312.8711.8920.94
First round 6 10.01 12.91 13.3812.5810.0116.8812.78
Hefei Spring 2014 Second round 10 12.18 13.04 14.0413.3413.4712.3012.18
First round 16 11.65 13.91 15.4614.6912.3614.6811.65
Guangzhou CCSA Championship 2013 Second round 27 10.19 14.92 15.7010.1912.6716.40DNF
First round 11 10.96 12.27 12.7010.9611.9113.0612.19
Shantou Open 2013 Final 3 9.81 13.19 9.8113.4715.7516.3410.34
Second round 2 10.00 11.96 11.9611.3012.6112.9610.00
First round 5 10.41 13.71 10.41DNF16.1511.7513.22
Guangzhou SCAU Open 2013 Final 3 10.99 12.22 13.8410.9911.6516.9911.18
Second round 7 12.78 13.08 DNF12.7813.0513.2312.97
First round 2 11.51 12.60 11.5112.4612.0516.1313.28
Nanjing Winter 2012 First round 16 12.41 16.30 12.4118.4018.7215.1915.31
Hangzhou Open 2012 Final 6 12.65 13.91 15.4313.9314.9012.9012.65
Second round 4 11.38 12.61 12.0216.5212.1613.6511.38
First round 4 10.90 12.80 11.5013.9014.3613.0010.90
Hefei Spring 2012 Final 6 12.11 13.26 12.7114.2512.1114.6612.83
Second round 6 9.96 13.65 13.669.96DNF13.1814.11
First round 12 13.02 14.99 13.1613.0215.0616.75DNF
Hangzhou Open 2011 Final 12 13.31 15.64 13.3119.2213.4416.4017.08
Second round 13 13.91 14.17 13.9714.4413.9114.7814.11
First round 17 14.04 15.96 17.3815.2215.2814.0417.75
Shenzhen University 2011 Second round 14 13.86 14.66 14.4713.8615.1814.3315.53
First round 15 12.94 15.97 12.9414.6914.0519.1619.86

History of Continental Records

Single Average Competition Round Solves
2.92 Shantou Open 2014 Final
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