Henrique Fonsêca Coelho Lima

Completed Solves
Brazil 2011LIMA03 Male 12 567

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 499 2152 28367 11.55 13.97 28349 2092 476
2x2x2 Cube 542 2378 30974 3.48 5.18 28156 2002 459
4x4x4 Cube 310 1586 20517 53.99 1:00.38 19451 1504 289
5x5x5 Cube 323 1462 20542 2:17.64 2:29.62 18351 1333 304
6x6x6 Cube 220 851 13913 7:25.97
3x3x3 Blindfolded 252 684 9773 7:31.01
3x3x3 Fewest Moves 134 335 5316 41 41.33 2616 171 65
3x3x3 One-Handed 365 1491 18830 23.59 26.66 15287 1186 301
Clock 332 989 17745 23.95
Megaminx 217 1000 10131 1:42.44 1:44.85 8370 829 172
Pyraminx 225 945 13170 4.87 7.50 12196 837 188
Skewb 216 958 14156 5.70 7.08 7886 523 108
Square-1 116 365 5912 20.25 23.40 4362 261 82

Medal Collection

Gold Silver Bronze
1 3 6
3x3x3 Cube
Villa Open 2018 Final 10 14.43 15.82 16.6418.2116.2114.6214.43
Second round 7 12.90 13.97 12.9013.6613.7814.4615.01
First round 10 14.13 15.76 15.4816.4515.3514.1316.51
BBQ & Cube 2017 Final 7 12.64 15.58 18.4015.1515.2812.6416.30
First round 5 15.09 16.01 15.9317.6215.0916.4015.69
Brasileiro 2017 Second round 25 13.61 15.27 17.6613.6115.6313.6616.53
First round 32 14.23 18.31 14.2318.1317.3519.7519.46
Alagoinhas Open 2017 Final 7 13.28 15.57 14.1116.9113.2818.7715.69
First round 8 11.55 17.07 17.6718.6314.9918.5511.55
Oxente Open 2017 Final 8 12.64 15.45 17.7719.5413.2712.6415.32
Second round 8 14.84 15.62 15.0218.3815.9915.8514.84
First round 8 13.03 15.56 14.1415.7417.0513.0316.80
Ó Paí Open 2016 Second round 13 13.84 20.00 18.6924.9820.8520.4713.84
First round 12 15.10 19.25 15.1020.3620.1724.3717.21
Brasileiro 2016 Second round 45 17.35 19.32 17.3519.4519.9919.9718.54
First round 40 17.22 17.55 17.4717.2217.9018.6917.27
Oxente Open 2016 Second round 12 16.67 20.11 21.2128.5916.6720.2718.86
First round 15 16.67 21.12 23.7918.9920.5725.8916.67
Campeonato Brasileiro de Cubo Mágico 2013 Second round 36 16.86 22.09 21.9416.8623.9123.1121.22
First round 38 21.47 22.16 22.1625.3321.4722.0822.25
SESC Santos 2012 Second round 34 18.81 22.63 22.5623.0022.3423.2118.81
First round 27 18.84 19.99 19.1618.8423.5018.8621.94
Lagarto Open 2012 Final 8 22.21 25.95 27.3422.2127.2825.0325.53
Second round 7 20.52 23.63 DNF27.4322.5920.8620.52
First round 8 23.84 26.37 28.0527.4727.0824.5523.84
SESC Santos 2011 First round 82 53.97 1:01.39 1:08.191:00.8653.971:00.341:02.97
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