Windi Sugandi

Completed Solves
Indonesia 2011SUGA01 Male 3 44

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 1110 21484 58929 15.15 17.54 53929 20054 1005
2x2x2 Cube 1573 25129 85035 6.25 7.37 65400 19753 1178
3x3x3 One-Handed 528 9185 24938 27.18 31.20 21697 8217 451
Pyraminx 860 15235 57618 9.91 12.11 42093 11496 653
3x3x3 Cube
Fun Fasting Day 2011 First round 24 17.43 20.96 26.4617.6618.75DNF17.43
Bandung Magic Day 2011 Final 12 15.18 19.79 19.5820.3020.1115.1819.68
First round 12 16.36 17.54 17.5516.6118.4616.3621.69
Bandung Open 2011 Second round 20 15.15 20.60 24.3427.0215.1518.2519.22
First round 20 16.44 18.56 18.4316.4421.4320.5016.75
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