Lijiaqi Zhang (张李佳琦)

Completed Solves
China 2011ZHAN03 Male 24 762

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 615 1982 5998 8.02 10.15 6902 2452 817
2x2x2 Cube 164 590 2839 1.48 2.81 2667 652 201
4x4x4 Cube 484 1534 4413 35.52 40.54 4133 1458 493
5x5x5 Cube 386 1231 3607 1:10.86 1:17.91 3450 1186 377
6x6x6 Cube 311 909 2914 2:24.70 2:32.14 2711 854 297
7x7x7 Cube 431 1121 3496 4:05.05 4:35.25 3986 1260 499
3x3x3 Fewest Moves 431 1320 4955 40 40.33 2400 605 210
3x3x3 One-Handed 1052 2983 8118 17.42 20.15 6344 2379 853
Clock 653 2170 9159 12.81 21.28 12913 2972 925
Megaminx 245 847 3148 1:03.95 1:09.67 2840 758 223
Pyraminx 1851 5696 21380 5.98 7.29 11273 3249 1138
Skewb 394 1279 5034 3.65 8.61 13029 3594 1253
Square-1 521 1871 8255 25.06 26.89 5646 1321 371

Medal Collection

Gold Silver Bronze
1 4 1
3x3x3 Cube
Tianjin Autumn 2019 Second round 14 10.32 11.76 13.2212.7310.7810.3211.76
First round 16 9.84 11.80 13.229.8411.6510.8012.94
Baoji Open 2019 Second round 13 9.95 11.88 13.0811.5511.469.9512.63
First round 8 8.02 10.88 11.598.0211.069.9912.57
China Championship 2019 Semi Final 93 10.57 12.24 11.7116.3510.5712.5512.45
Second round 49 9.50 10.15 9.5010.6410.209.6212.30
First round 113 9.98 11.45 12.7314.1910.029.9811.61
Linfen Open 2019 Final 5 8.96 10.70 13.0211.4510.128.9610.52
First round 10 10.34 11.45 10.3910.3414.4010.8913.06
Anyang Open 2019 Final 7 9.79 11.59 11.6011.6212.379.7911.55
Second round 9 9.98 11.41 13.2011.009.9810.8812.35
First round 8 10.99 11.85 10.9911.8112.5614.6111.18
Shijiazhuang Winter 2018 Final 8 9.80 11.34 10.8112.209.8011.0012.52
Second round 3 9.68 10.98 11.0510.9410.9514.569.68
First round 13 10.56 12.22 10.5613.5114.1812.2310.92
China Championship 2018 Semi Final 58 10.26 11.86 11.6412.9914.8110.2610.96
Second round 99 11.14 12.29 12.9011.1412.7811.1913.70
First round 111 9.56 12.59 13.5112.009.5612.6413.12
Baoji Open 2018 Final 9 10.69 11.53 12.5811.2410.7810.6912.71
Second round 10 10.99 12.23 11.4610.9913.3514.1611.87
First round 14 10.53 13.22 12.8414.2113.9112.9110.53
Beijing Open 2018 Second round 35 11.92 13.00 12.5311.9212.9214.3313.56
First round 56 11.43 13.96 11.4312.5614.1315.7315.18
China Championship 2017 Second round 231 12.26 15.32 12.2621.0813.2615.9216.78
First round 206 12.24 14.78 16.9812.2418.1114.3713.00
Beijing Open 2017 Second round 56 13.72 15.36 14.4313.7215.8815.7717.67
First round 51 13.16 14.60 14.6716.0413.1615.3313.80
Xi'an Cherry Blossom 2013 Second round 7 13.53 15.18 17.9613.5315.4313.9016.22
First round 7 12.85 14.85 12.8513.51DNF15.1015.95
Xi'an Newborn 2012 Second round 11 13.84 16.00 16.9718.0216.6814.3413.84
First round 7 13.43 15.64 15.9616.2714.69DNF13.43
Beijing Summer 2012 Second round 11 13.71 14.52 14.0814.0017.3815.4713.71
First round 25 14.15 17.75 14.1521.5018.6316.8117.81
Guiyang Open 2012 Second round 20 11.77 15.69 20.4117.0916.2711.7713.72
First round 18 11.08 15.56 16.7517.9112.9011.0817.02
Qingdao Open 2012 Second round 15 14.11 15.19 14.1116.7815.3114.5515.71
First round 15 13.75 15.63 14.1117.9418.2213.7514.84
Xi'an Qingming Open 2012 Final 5 12.69 14.11 13.8115.5818.8012.6912.94
Second round 8 12.47 16.30 17.5913.6312.4722.4317.68
First round 12 15.66 18.49 23.6415.6622.8816.4316.15
Xi'an Lucky Open 2011 Final 6 15.00 15.89 15.0917.4015.0021.6515.18
Second round 6 12.58 15.59 15.7212.5818.0916.3614.69
First round 7 14.71 16.49 17.7715.4716.2219.1314.71
Floating Clouds Open 2011 Final 8 18.56 20.96 25.6918.5623.6319.9019.36
Second round 5 14.09 16.60 14.0920.5018.6516.6114.55
First round 8 14.34 19.05 18.9120.5217.7214.34DNF
Xi'an Spring 2011 Second round 16 18.03 20.82 19.5820.5222.3618.0322.71
First round 23 18.56 23.52 24.7824.4218.5629.7821.35
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