Isaac Sánchez Aguilar

Completed Solves
Mexico 2012AGUI02 Male 4 203

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 349 4939 19105 10.34 10.77 9511 2484 167
2x2x2 Cube 28 503 1848 1.30 2.91 3098 880 49
4x4x4 Cube 503 4738 19155 52.38 58.60 18073 4494 483
5x5x5 Cube 408 4058 15014 1:52.38 2:09.57 15509 4267 410
3x3x3 One-Handed 168 1660 6848 16.57 20.03 6193 1487 156
Pyraminx 124 1754 7013 3.80 7.66 12944 3230 214
Skewb 75 932 3521 3.23 9.22 15124 4220 301

Medal Collection

Gold Silver Bronze
1 1 1

Record Collection

3x3x3 Cube
Metro Cubing Fest 2016 Second round 28 10.70 14.76 10.7020.5714.6616.7912.82
First round 24 11.93 14.31 13.3811.9316.8814.7114.84
Clásico 2015 Final 3 10.34 10.77 10.3515.3810.3410.7511.22
Second round 7 12.05 13.16 13.7713.5912.6812.0513.21
First round 12 13.32 13.70 14.9413.6013.3213.4014.11
Fénix 2014 Second round 14 12.30 14.30 13.8815.1916.8012.3013.83
First round 8 11.56 13.65 11.5614.9312.9014.9413.11
Metepec Open 2012 Second round 15 17.90 20.94 17.9019.7218.9029.1624.21
First round 24 15.96 24.74 41.5020.6633.5215.9620.03

History of National Records

Single Average Competition Round Solves
2x2x2 Cube
1.30 Clásico 2015 First round
3.30 Fénix 2014 First round 4.092.432.8810.332.93
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