Flavian Glonț

Completed Solves
Romania 2012GLON01 Male 12 544

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 58 3305 12339 9.28 10.56 8664 2311 42
2x2x2 Cube 66 2691 7521 2.06 2.90 3106 1076 20
4x4x4 Cube 31 1884 6578 38.40 42.54 5387 1518 23
5x5x5 Cube 30 2161 7256 1:24.30 1:26.86 5520 1611 25
6x6x6 Cube 37 2055 6762 3:16.56 3:18.00 5859 1770 30
7x7x7 Cube 37 2153 6825 5:31.52 5:47.84 6185 1920 36
3x3x3 Blindfolded 29 1643 5031 2:49.15
3x3x3 Fewest Moves 30 1998 4995 40
3x3x3 One-Handed 19 1189 4221 14.58 23.13 10209 2693 37
Megaminx 60 3370 11185 1:48.02 2:08.39 11715 3507 62
Pyraminx 87 4791 13763 4.94 7.29 11363 3877 63
Skewb 53 4123 11968 5.21 7.52 9396 3170 36
Square-1 38 2222 6773 21.91 38.64 9883 3210 60

Medal Collection

Gold Silver Bronze
11 24 14

Record Collection

3x3x3 Cube
Brasov Rubik's Open 2015 Final 2 10.19 11.44 10.9610.1911.0513.1112.31
Second round 2 9.84 11.69 9.8411.7112.2511.7711.59
First round 4 11.50 12.36 13.8811.6111.9011.5013.58
Mioveni Rubik's Open 2015 Final 2 9.77 11.15 10.7514.7212.4110.309.77
Second round 2 9.56 10.56 11.8310.389.5610.7810.52
First round 2 11.21 12.22 11.5611.2113.1311.9714.44
Braila Rubik's Day 2014 Final 3 10.28 12.28 10.2812.9011.7615.3912.18
Second round 2 10.44 11.69 11.9311.4410.4411.6912.21
First round 2 9.59 11.26 11.1812.599.5910.0213.36
Constanta Cube Day 2014 Final 2 10.40 12.11 11.2510.4012.8114.4412.28
First round 3 11.46 12.42 13.0812.3112.2511.4612.69
Bucharest Rubik Summer 2014 Final 3 9.88 11.47 9.8810.7511.2112.4615.03
Second round 4 9.28 NR 12.03 12.7511.759.2812.1912.16
First round 3 11.19 12.65 12.6813.4311.8311.1914.86
Bucharest Rubik Open 2014 Final 7 11.97 14.28 11.9712.6316.2513.97DNF
First round 2 10.33 11.80 11.7114.6912.4410.3311.25
Valcea Rubik Open 2013 Final 2 10.33 12.10 10.8613.1512.3013.7510.33
Second round 2 10.50 12.42 12.4711.0514.0010.5013.75
First round 2 11.38 12.88 13.16DNF11.3811.6613.83
Romanian Open 2013 Final 3 10.86 12.73 10.8620.0814.3311.8112.06
Second round 2 11.86 13.11 11.8612.1614.4613.4413.72
First round 2 10.50 13.09 11.8410.5015.4312.0015.63
Romanian Nationals 2012 Final 4 11.40 16.81 17.3825.8813.2719.7811.40
Second round 4 12.65 15.87 15.9416.6917.9714.9712.65
First round 2 12.71 13.59 14.5913.0315.3113.1612.71
Romanian Open 2012 Final 6 13.78 15.68 16.9313.7817.3313.8016.31
Second round 8 13.16 15.43 14.0215.3613.1617.2716.91
First round 8 12.53 15.67 16.1115.9614.9312.5317.41
Bacau Open 2012 Final 4 13.09 15.98 15.1814.3022.0513.0918.46
Second round 2 14.40 15.65 16.2716.0614.4014.6316.33
First round 3 14.97 17.31 20.1118.2714.9718.2815.38
Bucharest Open 2012 Second round 13 17.52 20.60 19.0321.6517.5221.1121.80
First round 9 17.02 20.12 19.7817.0223.0320.3820.19

History of National Records

Single Average Competition Round Solves
3x3x3 Cube
9.28 Bucharest Rubik Summer 2014 Second round
2x2x2 Cube
5.01 Romanian Nationals 2012 First round 5.194.754.505.135.16
5.11 Romanian Open 2012 Final 4.754.197.385.055.53
4x4x4 Cube
42.54 Mioveni Rubik's Open 2015 Final 51.3640.7744.5642.3039.13
38.40 Mioveni Rubik's Open 2015 First round
41.25 Constanta Cube Day 2014 Final
5x5x5 Cube
1:24.30 1:26.86 Bucharest Rubik Open 2014 Final 1:24.631:37.661:30.051:25.901:24.30
1:24.66 1:30.29 Romanian Open 2013 Final 1:36.111:24.661:28.841:30.631:31.40
1:31.02 1:32.14 Romanian Open 2013 First round 1:37.331:31.551:32.331:31.021:32.53
6x6x6 Cube
3:16.56 3:18.00 Romanian Open 2013 Final 3:16.563:18.333:19.11
7x7x7 Cube
5:31.52 5:47.84 Mioveni Rubik's Open 2015 Final 6:02.975:31.525:49.02
6:25.63 Romanian Open 2013 Final
3x3x3 One-Handed
14.58 Bucharest Rubik Summer 2014 Final
2:18.25 Romanian Open 2013 Final 2:31.752:26.592:12.832:15.332:12.84
7.29 Bucharest Rubik Open 2014 Final 7.525.276.418.467.94
8.09 Romanian Nationals 2012 Final 6.888.4412.697.368.47
8.78 Romanian Open 2012 Final 7.7210.408.227.2712.11
4.94 Romanian Open 2012 Second round
21.91 Romanian Open 2013 Final

National Championship Podiums

Event Place Single Average Solves
Romanian Nationals 2012
2x2x2 Cube 1 4.93 5.70 6.036.635.064.936.00
4x4x4 Cube 2 47.30 57.47 58.7758.4147.3057.0256.97
3x3x3 Blindfolded 3 5:39.46 DNF5:39.46
3x3x3 One-Handed 2 20.88 26.47 28.2523.6927.4731.1820.88
Pyraminx 1 6.88 8.09 6.888.4412.697.368.47
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