Dong-Hyun Kim (김동현)

Completed Solves
Republic of Korea 2012KIMD01 Male 7 198

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 132 2226 6637 8.18 9.50 4620 1602 98
2x2x2 Cube 8 147 911 1.07 3.32 5404 1379 85
4x4x4 Cube 173 2627 7496 39.64 49.49 10446 3711 229
5x5x5 Cube 366 5756 19169 2:11.02 2:24.80 17754 5311 369
3x3x3 One-Handed 205 4218 11441 19.41 21.18 7572 2862 149
Pyraminx 501 13092 49557 9.03 12.11 42077 11481 450

Medal Collection

Gold Silver Bronze
1 0 1

Record Collection

3x3x3 Cube
Thanks Cubing Day 2014 Final 3 8.33 9.50 9.599.759.1710.178.33
Second round 4 8.18 9.90 10.978.189.2310.4610.01
First round 3 8.81 9.99 8.819.3610.1810.44DNF
Busan Summer 2014 Final 4 9.79 10.73 11.1410.559.7911.8010.49
First round 1 8.53 10.10 10.2411.3810.158.539.91
Korea New Year 2014 Final 4 9.31 9.81 9.3110.189.5510.869.70
Second round 5 9.88 10.28 10.309.8811.5110.2810.27
First round 7 9.20 11.04 10.559.2012.83DNF9.75
Korean Winter 2013 Final 6 9.18 10.85 10.8512.519.1810.7810.92
Second round 8 10.19 10.69 11.0312.0910.6810.1910.36
First round 8 10.12 11.30 11.6411.0411.2110.1213.97
Korean Style 2013 Final 16 9.55 16.14 11.819.5525.2211.4035.94
Second round 10 9.53 11.97 11.9612.589.5311.8112.13
First round 13 12.18 12.91 12.6139.9313.4712.6612.18
Cubing Korea January 2012 Second round 29 19.74 21.39 20.2721.5219.7422.3822.72
First round 26 18.53 20.11 18.6321.3818.5321.5020.33

History of National Records

Single Average Competition Round Solves
2x2x2 Cube
1.07 Korea New Year 2014 Final
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