Gagah Prakoso

Completed Solves
Indonesia 2012PRAK03 Male 7 217

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 202 4776 13487 9.49 13.02 21959 8200 338
2x2x2 Cube 271 5190 19753 2.89 5.39 31727 9429 471
4x4x4 Cube 286 5832 16562 49.55 55.10 15126 5363 254
5x5x5 Cube 182 3773 11734 1:39.96 1:50.87 11647 3755 186
3x3x3 Blindfolded 218 2265 6840 3:52.58
3x3x3 One-Handed 275 5303 14235 20.99 22.25 8923 3403 151
Megaminx 303 5972 26985 4:24.90
Pyraminx 684 11954 45171 8.58 10.56 30644 8447 474
Skewb 287 4752 18460 6.58 15.56 35897 8910 551
3x3x3 Cube
Solo Comeback 2023 Second round 22 14.14 17.56 17.4117.3221.3114.1417.95
First round 21 13.95 14.50 24.4014.0913.9513.9815.44
Skywalk 2018 Second round 16 9.49 DNF 9.49DNSDNSDNSDNS
First round 15 12.93 15.66 13.8518.9418.5912.9314.53
Jogja Mini Competition 2018 Final 10 10.82 14.43 15.3912.7810.8216.4515.13
Second round 10 11.60 13.48 13.4311.6014.1716.9112.83
First round 10 12.35 14.40 15.2512.3515.0314.3313.84
Di Solo Aja Kk 2017 Final 8 11.01 13.27 18.3911.0114.4712.4012.94
Second round 9 12.83 13.02 14.4713.1113.0412.9212.83
First round 9 12.72 14.07 14.6119.1512.8914.7012.72
Madiun Happy Cubing 2017 Final 10 11.48 13.22 13.4214.0112.2414.7411.48
First round 14 12.30 14.70 14.7015.0612.3018.6614.34
Indonesian Championship 2012 First round 20 14.58 16.88 DNF18.8315.4114.5816.41
Jogja Cubesama 2012 First round 20 16.16 17.83 20.5320.6816.2516.1616.72
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