Jie Yu (余杰)

Completed Solves
China 2012YUJI01 Male 8 287

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 2659 8096 22419 10.80 12.35 17838 6575 2179
2x2x2 Cube 1414 4771 18332 2.81 5.91 40920 12313 3920
4x4x4 Cube 990 2865 8156 40.45 45.61 7438 2648 910
5x5x5 Cube 1397 4175 13014 1:44.69 1:47.22 10736 3452 1135
6x6x6 Cube 824 2373 8550 3:46.24 4:05.65 8142 2262 786
3x3x3 One-Handed 579 1719 4837 15.11 21.35 7764 2952 1059
3x3x3 Cube
Taiwan Cubing League - Kaohsiung 2015 First round 17 12.99 14.37 15.3314.5115.1712.9913.44
Hefei Open 2015 Second round 37 12.06 15.46 16.4612.0613.6218.3316.30
First round 28 13.27 14.22 13.2715.3613.3014.3415.03
Nanjing Spring 2015 Final 10 12.72 14.45 13.6317.6616.5512.7213.16
Second round 8 12.13 12.77 12.7512.1315.0212.3613.19
First round 11 10.80 12.35 12.1013.1414.3611.8210.80
AnHui University Open 2015 Second round 10 12.03 13.87 13.1712.0313.0515.4018.72
First round 19 12.01 16.78 20.9615.8712.0118.9615.51
Nanjing Autumn 2014 Second round 17 11.94 14.97 15.1215.3614.4311.9422.24
First round 7 12.35 13.19 15.9713.1612.9013.5012.35
Hefei Summer Open 2014 Second round 22 14.02 15.59 15.9715.5916.6815.2114.02
First round 16 12.34 14.54 12.3414.7515.6513.2315.91
Hefei Spring 2014 Second round 27 11.80 14.78 14.7616.1611.8017.2313.43
First round 22 12.83 14.80 15.0513.3915.9516.7512.83
Nanjing Spring 2012 Second round 19 11.94 16.68 15.1518.6920.0811.9416.19
First round 11 13.25 14.76 26.4315.5013.2514.1614.63
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