Luis Huayapa Blas

Completed Solves
Peru 2013BLAS02 Male 8 258

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 844 3927 48711 13.94 16.75 48247 3816 835
2x2x2 Cube 596 3023 38944 3.88 5.62 35822 2566 538
4x4x4 Cube 474 2377 30505 1:06.19 1:12.40 27661 2160 437
5x5x5 Cube 288 1894 27553 3:03.34
3x3x3 One-Handed 373 1757 21679 25.21 31.56 22188 1777 375
Megaminx 327 2141 24413 3:35.41
Pyraminx 391 2366 32398 7.23 10.03 27063 1861 324
Skewb 89 553 7891 4.35 7.08 7888 523 89

Medal Collection

Gold Silver Bronze
0 0 3
3x3x3 Cube
Campeonato Nacional Perubik 2016 Second round 63 14.34 18.83 17.6020.1618.7220.9314.34
First round 71 16.36 18.94 18.7819.5323.1218.5016.36
Cientifico Open 2015 Second round 15 16.09 17.11 16.6017.9718.8416.7716.09
First round 16 13.94 16.75 19.3917.1813.9418.4114.66
II Open Arguedas 2014 Final 17 17.53 DNF DNF20.9817.9217.53DNF
Second round 13 15.04 17.97 16.6818.4718.8315.0418.77
First round 15 15.80 19.34 DNF15.8018.4618.7120.84
TCG Lima 2014 Final 19 17.15 18.62 17.8619.7720.3218.2317.15
Second round 19 14.45 18.81 21.4518.4916.4914.4521.71
First round 16 17.02 17.93 18.1719.4917.0218.2217.41
Mariano Melgar 2014 Final 11 18.45 21.59 24.4019.4924.8620.8918.45
Second round 13 19.12 20.66 21.9427.6019.9520.0919.12
First round 8 16.48 17.62 17.6916.4817.7521.5817.43
Campeonato UNI-Rubik 2014 Second round 27 19.35 21.36 24.7019.3520.7120.7622.62
First round 24 17.24 18.48 17.2417.4121.5020.5317.49
Back to the Palace 2014 Second round 38 21.65 22.44 21.8323.5524.5621.9421.65
First round 37 17.05 20.49 17.0517.4022.3725.8221.70
Campeonato Rubik Arguedas 2013 First round 42 21.40 36.32 46.5038.0021.4033.8037.15
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