Zhi Geng (耿智)

Completed Solves
China 2013GENG02 Male 11 384

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 5324 15650 42450 13.19 15.67 40649 15233 5216
2x2x2 Cube 998 3443 13653 2.52 4.12 12772 3538 1072
4x4x4 Cube 2958 8515 25131 59.25 1:13.61 28497 9370 3109
5x5x5 Cube 2266 7401 26657 2:55.21 3:59.30 22020 6426 1881
3x3x3 One-Handed 3632 11115 30751 30.91 42.48 34845 12371 3820
Megaminx 1435 5620 25060 3:43.23
Pyraminx 1480 4494 16840 5.39 8.17 15656 4482 1599
Skewb 353 1117 4452 3.49 5.77 4236 1154 408
Square-1 852 2941 13364 37.83 42.31 10931 2454 728

Medal Collection

Gold Silver Bronze
2 0 5
3x3x3 Cube
Baoji Open 2019 First round 92 18.54 24.17 24.6023.3230.0324.5918.54
Chengdu Open 2015 Second round 25 13.71 17.66 13.7117.0219.2616.7020.22
First round 16 13.19 15.67 13.1917.3625.7716.0013.66
Xi'an Cherry Blossom 2015 Second round 56 17.16 18.45 18.2819.0218.0624.2217.16
First round 55 16.33 18.40 16.5322.2116.3316.4630.43
Xi'an More Coffee 2014 Second round 20 16.87 19.06 19.0216.8723.5121.2016.96
First round 20 15.03 17.73 18.3818.9216.0618.7515.03
Xi'an Winter Open 2014 First round 23 16.12 17.52 16.2516.1217.2719.0319.37
Yangling Open 2014 Second round 18 15.06 17.63 21.7315.0619.2116.1417.55
First round 19 14.24 18.01 14.2421.7130.4816.9915.33
Chengdu Open 2014 Second round 25 14.14 18.86 20.3716.8314.1421.1719.37
First round 28 15.65 19.45 16.7825.5217.2124.3615.65
Xi'an Cherry Blossom 2014 First round 28 18.06 19.07 19.1618.0619.4718.5819.68
Xi'an Winter 2013 Second round 16 15.42 19.33 DNF19.5115.4219.3619.13
First round 14 15.05 18.42 26.8517.1915.0519.2318.84
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