Jianfeng Li (李剑锋)

Completed Solves
China 2013LIJI09 Male 3 126

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 3088 9301 25641 11.22 13.07 22289 8334 2806
2x2x2 Cube 1192 4053 15667 2.65 3.66 7959 2078 601
4x4x4 Cube 2337 6604 18944 52.17 57.84 17457 6146 2204
5x5x5 Cube 1457 4365 13672 1:47.19 2:02.15 14147 4443 1461
3x3x3 One-Handed 632 1867 5224 15.41 21.81 8335 3178 1149
Megaminx 1347 4804 20236 2:50.90 3:13.55 15771 3975 1114
Pyraminx 784 2349 8890 4.15 9.90 26177 7279 2528
3x3x3 Cube
Weihai Open 2017 Second round 14 12.09 14.24 12.0916.8614.7413.4614.52
First round 11 13.01 13.76 15.0113.2113.0613.0115.74
Asian Championship 2016 Second round 122 12.12 13.07 13.1015.9613.7912.3312.12
First round 156 12.75 13.60 13.3213.6012.7513.8822.60
Dalian Open 2013 Final 8 11.22 14.73 16.1614.2213.8011.2218.19
Second round 5 11.86 13.23 13.5312.6114.4113.5611.86
First round 12 13.96 15.33 13.9614.7516.5014.7519.65
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