Nick Li

Completed Solves
United States 2013LINI01 Male 6 127

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 4819 6343 24668 11.10 12.50 18771 4808 3669
2x2x2 Cube 3366 4368 15810 2.66 2.94 3236 918 734
4x4x4 Cube 3150 4328 17535 50.61 55.32 15323 3775 2747
3x3x3 One-Handed 1680 2299 9603 18.35 20.57 6855 1658 1209
Skewb 1008 1274 4728 3.57 5.91 4556 1199 932

Medal Collection

Gold Silver Bronze
0 0 2
3x3x3 Cube
Newport Winter Open 2014 Second round 13 12.39 14.25 14.2713.9017.1214.5912.39
First round 13 11.83 13.61 14.0516.0514.4012.3811.83
Caltech Fall Open 2014 Second round 15 11.10 14.00 15.9012.7616.6111.1013.33
First round 12 12.11 12.50 12.2412.1113.0012.2614.03
Antelope Valley Fall 2014 Second round 14 11.76 14.13 14.1812.5219.3411.7615.68
First round 15 13.08 14.31 14.7013.4214.8015.8313.08
Caltech Spring Open 2014 Second round 23 16.69 26.68 16.6920.6537.6844.9621.72
First round 24 14.18 17.45 14.1818.5317.1516.6622.15
Caltech Winter Open 2014 First round 47 17.90 21.86 17.9027.6518.6319.30DNF
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