Samuel Adrián Pérez Loya

Completed Solves
Mexico 2013LOYA01 Male 6 327

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 173 2534 9662 8.81 10.74 9340 2436 164
2x2x2 Cube 104 1741 6346 1.95 2.71 2283 650 34
4x4x4 Cube 291 2585 10567 43.18 50.41 11187 2720 299
5x5x5 Cube 380 3768 14049 1:48.73 1:54.48 12505 3346 337
6x6x6 Cube 375 3807 12354 5:24.31
7x7x7 Cube 294 2687 9193 6:58.08
3x3x3 Blindfolded 23 340 1724 1:15.28 1:24.22 975 201 15
3x3x3 One-Handed 162 1631 6699 16.48 20.99 7355 1768 187
Pyraminx 345 5236 19916 5.80 7.84 13865 3477 230
3x3x3 Multi-Blind 14 170 759 8/8 44:59

Medal Collection

Gold Silver Bronze
2 3 2

Record Collection

3x3x3 Cube
Clásico 2015 Final 4 9.82 10.78 11.0810.1111.1411.769.82
Second round 1 9.09 11.16 11.8911.689.0910.7811.02
First round 2 8.81 10.74 13.6710.7810.488.8110.97
CUCEI Championship 2014 Final 2 10.66 12.34 14.7112.4310.6611.9512.64
Second round 2 10.12 11.42 10.5811.9411.7314.9410.12
First round 1 10.48 12.23 12.0111.7412.9410.4813.43
US Nationals 2014 Second round 110 11.27 14.80 16.8311.2713.1514.41DNF
First round 79 12.04 12.98 13.7213.1812.6313.1312.04
Fénix 2014 Final 2 11.78 12.65 12.7514.7211.7812.5012.69
Second round 4 12.11 12.77 14.7812.3312.1113.4112.56
First round 3 10.59 13.12 13.4113.5310.5912.4115.11
Tree Town 2013 Final 9 11.27 15.16 11.2716.3416.0920.3413.04
Second round 11 13.50 14.85 15.9814.1916.2814.3713.50
First round 9 12.80 14.54 17.9212.8012.8613.2217.54
Goku Open 2013 Second round 16 16.46 17.62 18.3416.4617.3017.2218.56
First round 14 15.53 16.68 17.5515.5315.5319.5516.96

History of National Records

Single Average Competition Round Solves
2x2x2 Cube
2.71 CUCEI Championship 2014 First round
3.29 US Nationals 2014 Second round
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