Victor Moreno

Completed Solves
Brazil 2013MORE07 Male 8 336

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 860 3640 45768 13.57 14.91 35124 2657 623
2x2x2 Cube 27 97 1855 1.30 4.56 18621 1296 287
4x4x4 Cube 572 2799 35535 1:12.93 1:22.86 33451 2637 546
5x5x5 Cube 424 1764 25347 2:45.56 3:20.91 21368 1613 433
3x3x3 Blindfolded 115 330 5273 2:57.65 4:43.24 2908 207 82
3x3x3 One-Handed 347 1402 17596 22.84 26.68 15374 1189 302
Megaminx 299 1312 13417 2:02.19 2:10.93 11951 1168 265
Pyraminx 366 1577 21836 6.02 9.44 23199 1598 367
Skewb 390 1538 24169 7.72 13.76 30877 1871 486
Square-1 140 438 6961 22.40 28.50 6239 383 118
3x3x3 Multi-Blind 54 152 2249 2/2 9:42

Medal Collection

Gold Silver Bronze
1 2 2
3x3x3 Cube
World Rubik's Cube Championship 2015 Second round 106 14.45 15.06 15.3215.0214.8414.4517.54
First round 116 13.57 14.91 16.5420.9113.5713.7414.44
Nova Odessa Open 2014 Second round 14 14.95 17.06 17.4023.3816.0917.7014.95
First round 11 15.75 16.68 16.4717.4316.8216.7515.75
Educativa 2014 Final 9 16.26 18.57 17.0318.5420.1340.8316.26
Second round 1 14.41 15.55 23.1214.4116.5814.6515.42
First round 4 15.47 17.61 20.6716.6316.6815.4719.53
Brasileiro Etapa de Verão 2014 Second round 24 17.55 18.16 17.5519.2218.0318.7017.74
First round 15 13.81 15.90 16.6216.4014.6726.5613.81
Goiânia Open 2013 Second round 20 18.52 20.17 20.9120.7720.6618.5219.07
First round 18 15.98 18.88 19.3418.57DNF18.7215.98
SESC Araraquara 2013 Second round 24 24.75 38.62 57.6724.7531.13DNF27.07
First round 19 21.85 25.91 35.4224.7621.8526.0926.89
SESC Interlagos 2013 First round 54 36.94 39.81 38.0042.5347.9536.9438.90
Piracicaba Open 2013 First round 35 39.05 58.25 51.971:09.901:15.6339.0552.89
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