Xavier Murrell

Completed Solves
Australia 2013MURR02 Male 4 55

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 9531 11217 223060 1:00.16 1:06.71 214116 10837 9211
2x2x2 Cube 7388 8780 158201 28.28 35.86 153095 8618 7239
Pyraminx 4943 5879 102575 19.69 25.91 98213 5689 4764
3x3x3 Cube
Lifestyle Seasons Winter 2014 First round 34 1:00.16 1:08.34 1:18.521:06.301:16.751:01.961:00.16
Shepparton Autumn 2014 First round 26 1:01.00 1:06.71 1:10.411:08.631:01.001:01.081:33.94
Melbourne Summer 2014 First round 64 1:12.36 1:32.77 1:33.861:12.363:02.611:31.561:32.90
Melbourne Cube Day 2013 First round 57 1:11.28 1:28.64 1:23.021:11.281:48.331:40.271:22.63
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