Yi-Chun Wang (王逸雋)

Completed Solves
Chinese Taipei 2013WANG55 Male 10 233

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 741 14378 39071 12.82 16.29 44872 16760 835
2x2x2 Cube 181 3179 12668 2.46 4.36 15688 4429 226
4x4x4 Cube 386 5612 15886 48.91 56.25 16110 5704 380
5x5x5 Cube 309 3939 12245 1:41.96 1:55.45 12706 4053 303
6x6x6 Cube 202 2676 9913 4:14.22
7x7x7 Cube 156 2036 7051 5:39.97 5:44.14 6041 1790 120
3x3x3 One-Handed 607 15553 45471 45.10
Pyraminx 422 10817 40792 8.14 11.23 35341 9661 379
3x3x3 Cube
WCA Asian Championship 2018 First round 254 12.82 17.14 17.8012.8218.4815.1526.63
Taipei Open 2017 Second round 43 14.19 17.79 19.5219.9318.3315.5314.19
First round 46 14.62 18.12 17.8920.2416.2314.6220.67
Taiwan Championship 2016 Second round 81 15.14 17.62 15.1420.4016.0919.7117.07
First round 83 15.71 17.55 18.5115.9315.7118.8718.21
Happy Cubing Taiwan 2016 Second round 32 14.16 16.29 17.3314.1617.9716.5614.97
First round 31 13.63 16.46 13.6326.6014.5518.4416.40
Big Cubes Challenge 2016 First round 38 14.73 17.53 14.7322.7816.1918.6517.74
Hsinchu Winter Open 2016 Second round 33 14.63 20.10 21.5718.0024.5614.6320.72
First round 32 16.70 18.14 19.5817.6517.1816.7020.08
Taipei Open 2015 First round 36 17.50 19.10 19.2820.8619.1617.5018.86
Twisting Fingers in New Taipei City 2015 First round 39 17.77 20.81 19.3722.5717.7726.2120.50
Hsinchu Summer Open 2015 First round 32 15.22 19.35 25.1415.2220.8119.7317.51
Taiwan Summer Open 2013 First round 83 18.44 21.59 26.5319.1519.0818.4444.40
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