Vitalii Andrusiv (Віталій Андрусів)

Completed Solves
Ukraine 2014ANDR07 Male 3 126

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 722 18162 74078 17.07 20.39 72666 17755 704
2x2x2 Cube 806 22230 79740 5.94 7.83 72152 20087 709
4x4x4 Cube 371 9851 34833 1:12.16 1:29.03 35961 10149 387
5x5x5 Cube 253 7276 23571 2:35.26
3x3x3 One-Handed 421 9613 36819 35.57 45.26 37025 9605 432
Megaminx 282 7342 22714 3:14.98
Pyraminx 919 21542 70508 11.49 16.65 71867 21837 961
Skewb 364 9876 30498 9.14 12.65 27169 8774 309
3x3x3 Cube
Kharkiv Winter 2014 Second round 50 22.62 24.95 24.7229.6122.6224.5625.58
First round 35 19.09 20.39 19.0920.9330.0520.6619.57
Beit Dan Open 2014 Second round 29 17.17 21.52 19.8022.2317.1722.5427.03
First round 30 17.07 22.60 17.0723.6622.4323.8721.70
Oleksandriia Open 2014 Final 27 20.08 25.39 31.4827.0524.8120.0824.31
Second round 29 21.36 25.21 23.7830.2721.5821.3631.21
First round 26 20.66 23.16 45.2120.6623.5521.7024.22
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