James Avery

Completed Solves
United States 2014AVER01 Male 11 354

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 5893 7804 30638 11.82 13.12 22608 5710 4353
2x2x2 Cube 3808 4969 17829 2.78 4.69 20401 5719 4404
4x4x4 Cube 2443 3370 13756 46.67 53.95 14165 3471 2534
5x5x5 Cube 1855 2529 9580 1:32.60 1:37.88 8302 2198 1619
6x6x6 Cube 1771 2373 8111 3:38.26 3:48.41 7496 2210 1662
7x7x7 Cube 1719 2309 7959 6:10.16
3x3x3 Blindfolded 1380 1822 8076 4:48.92
3x3x3 One-Handed 4394 6013 24433 26.89 33.86 25235 6181 4528
Megaminx 2198 3025 10790 1:46.22 1:52.93 9696 2717 1981
Pyraminx 1050 1318 5192 3.39 7.35 11552 2871 2231
Square-1 2938 3636 11128 31.58 39.98 10257 3391 2746

Medal Collection

Gold Silver Bronze
0 0 1
3x3x3 Cube
Rocky Top 2023 Second round 54 11.90 13.32 13.3313.2115.0611.9013.42
First round 52 11.82 13.20 11.9711.8214.5413.5314.10
Concord Summer 2023 Second round 34 13.79 14.42 13.8713.7915.6015.2614.13
First round 33 13.82 14.75 14.4616.7215.7113.8214.08
Regionales Medellín 2019 Final 9 12.60 14.99 15.1712.6014.9017.2714.91
Second round 7 12.18 13.12 12.1812.8313.9712.9913.55
First round 9 12.49 14.62 12.4914.4414.7214.7116.18
Fruit Salad 2018 Second round 17 12.90 15.18 15.8612.9015.1114.5816.17
First round 17 13.51 15.37 14.8017.1015.9713.5115.33
Wolfpack Winter 2018 Final 24 13.76 15.97 15.5617.7715.1513.7617.20
Second round 15 11.94 13.69 13.5712.9111.9414.5915.00
First round 29 12.71 15.55 12.7114.3216.2016.1431.16
Crossroads Cubing 2017 Final 12 13.24 14.87 15.1514.0213.2415.4516.33
Second round 15 13.34 15.44 13.3415.9716.5817.6613.78
First round 10 12.29 14.17 12.2914.6316.7012.8515.02
ODU Big Blue Winter 2016 Final 16 14.53 15.95 14.9418.9315.7717.1314.53
Second round 16 13.92 14.79 14.2416.0017.7114.1413.92
First round 13 12.30 13.83 14.8712.9812.3014.4314.09
Discovery Place 2016 Final 16 14.26 15.65 16.0715.6315.7415.5914.26
Second round 16 13.83 16.04 18.2313.8315.0016.4916.63
First round 11 12.54 14.14 15.5513.7213.7914.9012.54
Athens Spring 2016 Final 7 11.82 14.35 13.7217.5315.5713.7711.82
Second round 10 12.38 15.26 16.0312.3815.7322.4014.03
First round 9 14.39 15.50 17.5014.3916.9014.4615.15
US Nationals 2015 First round 220 16.58 19.09 22.0519.6916.5817.1920.39
Virginia Open Fall 2014 First round 31 18.37 19.71 18.3719.4232.5920.1019.60
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