Alyssa Bell

Completed Solves
United States 2014BELL02 Female 10 426

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 3844 5013 19389 10.38 12.63 19571 4989 3804
2x2x2 Cube 3887 5075 18166 2.80 4.31 15073 4237 3284
4x4x4 Cube 1701 2355 9703 42.24 44.49 6662 1623 1184
5x5x5 Cube 890 1209 4772 1:15.43 1:22.13 4364 1127 827
6x6x6 Cube 411 534 1920 2:10.27 2:21.41 2008 552 427
7x7x7 Cube 206 271 994 3:00.00 3:15.13 1102 292 220
3x3x3 Blindfolded 525 676 3128 1:54.15 2:55.53 2249 512 396
3x3x3 Fewest Moves 1069 1399 6472 44
3x3x3 One-Handed 4674 6381 25853 27.74 35.21 26868 6649 4869
Clock 300 351 1093 5.23 7.19 1492 475 404
Megaminx 1835 2541 9155 1:37.13 1:50.03 9264 2571 1862
Pyraminx 2544 3276 12789 4.81 6.77 9140 2282 1770
Skewb 329 409 1555 2.51 6.36 5831 1551 1194
Square-1 1138 1383 4156 16.65 20.30 3263 1090 895
3x3x3 Multi-Blind 468 621 2797 5/8 37:44

Medal Collection

Gold Silver Bronze
1 2 2
3x3x3 Cube
Florida Winter Break 2019 Second round 25 14.34 15.00 15.3714.3414.6517.3914.98
First round 23 12.72 14.32 14.9115.3312.7312.7215.34
CubingUSA Southeast Championship 2019 Second round 30 11.00 13.19 18.4714.6511.0011.4713.46
First round 45 11.21 14.53 16.1714.7211.2114.2314.64
The Last Frontier Open 2019 Final 11 11.83 14.40 11.8315.1116.1714.3813.71
Second round 10 11.21 14.14 14.2111.2113.5315.2914.67
First round 13 12.57 14.90 12.57DNF14.5513.1617.00
For The Love Of Cubing 2017 Second round 15 13.27 16.04 13.9019.9714.7313.2719.50
First round 18 12.38 16.52 17.2117.3514.9919.9012.38
Petoskey Cubing 2016 Final 7 12.37 14.26 15.5314.0913.9712.3714.73
Second round 8 12.37 14.32 15.8812.3713.1616.6313.91
First round 7 10.38 12.63 12.2712.9812.6510.3816.25
Spring Scramble 2016 Second round 10 12.88 15.45 17.3614.0814.9112.8817.37
First round 10 12.82 15.36 17.0715.9114.4915.6712.82
US Nationals 2015 First round 203 15.28 18.03 20.2021.8416.2117.6715.28
Florida Feast 2014 First round 32 20.68 25.48 24.5320.6825.9725.9339.03
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