Guillaume Buchard

Completed Solves
France 2014BUCH02 Male 3 75

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 1649 26221 107694 21.69 26.84 110700 26925 1699
2x2x2 Cube 910 15948 55338 4.66 6.20 46190 13106 753
4x4x4 Cube 1005 15077 51922 1:42.06 1:46.88 40968 11549 802
3x3x3 Cube
Open Cube Project 2015 Second round 32 23.55 26.84 27.6627.1523.5525.7134.28
First round 30 24.43 27.00 25.1527.2131.3128.6324.43
HEM MariCubik Open 2014 Second round 22 22.74 28.88 22.7424.6435.6729.5432.46
First round 23 26.95 31.62 40.6431.5632.7126.9530.59
Open Cube Project 2014 Second round 20 27.22 32.69 37.5331.5835.5630.9327.22
First round 20 21.69 29.47 21.6939.7527.2124.9636.24
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