Rogelio Cerezo Flores

Region WCA ID Gender Competitions Completed Solves
Mexico 2014FLOR07 Male 2 80

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 858 11088 43561 13.33 15.29 37803 9589 754
4x4x4 Cube 360 3378 13797 46.69 51.86 12421 3039 332
5x5x5 Cube 414 4121 15206 1:53.09 2:11.08 15796 4367 416
6x6x6 Cube 368 3738 12214 5:18.22
3x3x3 One-Handed 675 6982 28128 29.15 35.90 27742 6892 667
Megaminx 632 5951 19985 2:48.40 3:16.43 15886 4721 515
Pyraminx 433 6451 24096 6.30 9.25 21946 5749 372
Competition Round Place Single Average Solves
3x3x3 Cube
Tlaxcala Open 2016 Second round 25 13.55 16.24 16.6013.5515.6316.4818.08
First round 25 14.11 15.29 18.0315.7014.7315.4314.11
Fénix 2014 Second round 26 13.33 15.33 17.0515.2513.9613.3316.77
First round 51 15.06 18.27 15.0617.9418.0518.8320.63
4x4x4 Cube
Tlaxcala Open 2016 First round 11 46.69 51.86 1:01.7548.9546.6955.1551.48
Fénix 2014 Second round 18 51.25 56.26 55.9451.2559.3857.9454.91
First round 12 50.31 52.90 52.3353.811:01.1350.3152.55
5x5x5 Cube
Tlaxcala Open 2016 First round 18 1:53.09 2:11.08 1:56.182:42.971:53.091:59.232:37.83
Fénix 2014 First round 27 2:07.44 2:21.31 2:35.782:28.002:17.152:07.442:18.78
6x6x6 Cube
Fénix 2014 First round 22 5:18.22 5:18.22
3x3x3 One-Handed
Tlaxcala Open 2016 First round 36 35.06 40.05 39.7843.941:00.0636.4235.06
Fénix 2014 First round 45 29.15 35.90 59.5629.1534.1936.7236.78
Fénix 2014 First round 31 2:48.40 3:16.43 2:57.383:54.342:48.402:57.56DNF
Tlaxcala Open 2016 Second round 18 10.14 11.49 12.3111.0410.1415.2111.11
First round 15 7.27 11.15 15.9212.3510.417.2710.70
Fénix 2014 Final 17 6.30 9.25
First round 26 9.84 10.58 10.3610.9710.8610.539.84
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