Piotr Gałczyk

Completed Solves
Poland 2014GACZ03 Male 10 205

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 2231 21013 86160 18.64 21.04 76934 18792 2025
2x2x2 Cube 2198 20150 71442 5.48 6.20 45991 13070 1535
4x4x4 Cube 1223 11164 39429 1:19.02
5x5x5 Cube 694 6507 21257 2:21.55
6x6x6 Cube 420 3754 11648 4:57.76
3x3x3 Blindfolded 184 1568 4821 2:43.73
3x3x3 One-Handed 691 6612 25510 27.55 35.38 27041 6962 706
Megaminx 443 3564 11744 1:52.02
Pyraminx 1128 8745 26313 6.55 9.12 21113 7023 974
Skewb 1474 12054 37610 10.95 14.18 32020 10266 1291
3x3x3 Multi-Blind 108 933 2426 2/2 13:55
3x3x3 Cube
Project Pawłowice 2021 First round 69 18.64 21.04 19.2821.9421.9022.1518.64
Dragon Cubing 2019 First round 84 19.41 22.34 30.1222.2222.2519.4122.56
Polish Open 2018 First round 111 22.96 24.63 24.3322.9623.5925.9729.99
Polish Nationals 2017 First round 156 19.27 26.53 29.0125.6619.2724.9231.38
WLS Jesień 2016 First round 41 20.97 24.07 28.8221.4126.9723.8420.97
ŚLS Sosnowiec 2015 First round 76 21.47 25.00 24.2921.4724.4327.0226.28
Polish Open 2015 First round 124 27.10 29.34 28.7127.1031.0928.2331.29
Santa Claus Cube Race 2014 Second round 109 24.62 26.74 27.1634.1124.6226.6426.43
First round 118 29.59 30.70 31.7429.5930.67DNF29.70
Krakow Cubing Spree 2014 First round 122 30.09 33.18 34.2633.5230.0936.4631.77
Polish Nationals 2014 First round 175 30.35 37.05 41.0730.3534.7048.0335.39
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