Xiaolong Hu (胡小龙)

Completed Solves
China 2014HUXI01 Male 3 39

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 4934 14551 39490 12.83 14.79 34330 12865 4403
2x2x2 Cube 4284 13837 47995 4.30 5.54 34572 10395 3291
3x3x3 Cube
Chengdu Open 2016 Second round 35 14.65 15.78 18.4616.6914.6515.2715.37
First round 23 13.25 14.79 16.6314.9615.9413.2513.46
Chongqing Open 2014 First round 43 12.83 18.06 17.7724.1818.5912.8317.81
Chengdu Open 2014 Second round 26 16.22 19.15 17.6422.7416.2221.2618.56
First round 19 16.01 17.23 16.0117.3217.4319.4016.95
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