Yi Jiang (蒋羿)

Completed Solves
China 2014JIAN06 Male 4 115

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 2508 7617 21093 10.60 12.31 17740 6547 2174
2x2x2 Cube 3937 12729 44660 4.14 6.46 50895 15423 4926
4x4x4 Cube 747 2230 6332 38.10 44.94 7017 2493 837
5x5x5 Cube 236 817 2427 1:05.07 1:19.47 3817 1315 426
Pyraminx 4589 14803 55790 9.67 19.32 84241 22478 6846
Skewb 4196 14056 59787 25.02
3x3x3 Cube
Chengdu Open 2018 Second round 26 10.60 13.75 15.6013.1815.9512.4610.60
First round 15 11.72 12.31 15.2212.4811.7212.3612.08
Chengdu Open 2017 Second round 31 12.38 14.89 13.9613.7212.3817.0017.92
First round 27 10.86 14.18 15.4510.8616.1319.4310.95
Chengdu Open 2016 Second round 24 12.43 14.75 14.4416.0518.1513.7512.43
First round 20 13.25 14.45 13.2515.2513.6627.1814.44
Chengdu Open 2014 Second round 27 16.46 19.26 21.7716.4617.3033.9418.71
First round 24 16.52 18.32 17.4216.5221.0916.8820.67
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