Nishal Kulkarni

Completed Solves
India 2014KULK01 Male 5 168

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 2477 19353 52896 14.43 15.73 40985 15364 1839
2x2x2 Cube 572 3316 13167 2.49 3.67 8038 2104 334
4x4x4 Cube 1264 10650 32309 1:08.66 1:20.23 32021 10288 1287
3x3x3 One-Handed 1414 9981 27284 28.63 35.30 26970 9952 1411
Pyraminx 740 4202 15701 5.24 7.21 10912 3151 498
Skewb 559 3603 13843 5.63 7.26 8444 2379 346

Medal Collection

Gold Silver Bronze
1 1 1
3x3x3 Cube
Rubik's Cube Mumbai Open 2015 Second round 22 15.48 15.73 15.9415.5315.7116.1715.48
First round 28 16.11 16.1120.01
SCMU-Pune Fall Open V3.0 2015 Final 13 14.43 16.87 17.5115.9614.4322.2617.15
First round 9 14.79 15.86 16.2617.4116.0414.7915.27
Pune Fall Open V2.0 2015 Final 16 15.39 21.08 DNF19.4320.3015.3923.52
First round 9 16.11 19.19 27.9817.3823.7116.4716.11
Mumbai Open 2014 Second round 29 18.45 20.21 21.0618.4519.2321.0220.39
First round 25 16.79 18.24 19.8418.9516.7917.9117.85
Pune Fall Open 2014 First round 38 37.36 44.32 38.6347.1837.361:16.7947.15
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