Joel Ricardo Palacios Lazarte

Completed Solves
Peru 2014LAZA01 Male 5 46

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 722 3336 42560 13.20 14.68 33456 2514 560
Pyraminx 673 4352 59330 10.08 13.18 50248 3494 557
3x3x3 Cube
Peru Nationals 2019 Second round 79 14.73 15.64 14.7315.9615.2515.7116.41
First round 73 13.96 15.38 15.6516.4316.3314.1713.96
Aventura Cúbica VII 2019 Second round 43 13.39 17.13 13.3915.8819.1021.7516.40
First round 33 14.02 15.28 16.2014.0216.3014.6814.96
La Tienda Cubera Christmas 2018 Second round 29 14.36 14.68 14.8414.6514.3640.3014.56
First round 27 13.20 15.50 16.0713.2023.5315.2015.23
Campeonato UNI-Rubik 2014 Second round 32 18.13 22.40 20.82DNF23.3818.1323.01
First round 26 17.70 19.57 19.0719.9219.7219.9417.70
Back to the Palace 2014 First round 76 18.45 DNF 21.4126.30DNF18.45DNF
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