Hyun Woo Lee (이현우)

Completed Solves
Republic of Korea 2014LEEH02 Male 7 105

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 2396 45756 135058 26.44 30.63 128643 43903 2308
2x2x2 Cube 1121 21402 72655 5.53 8.57 82281 24692 1258
Pyraminx 555 14389 54310 9.52 12.66 46404 12670 506
Skewb 201 3914 15186 5.90 16.63 38725 9529 500
3x3x3 Cube
Korean CWR Style 2017 First round 72 26.44 36.13 43.7638.5826.4435.3534.46
Jeju Open 2017 First round 23 27.36 30.63 28.2733.5427.3630.0835.03
Jeonju Spring 2016 First round 84 31.99 36.81 41.6231.9937.3838.5634.49
Valentine in Daegu 2016 First round 43 27.21 36.60 30.3837.0046.3242.4327.21
Korean KAIST Style 2015 First round 117 40.09 42.61 40.0944.2542.6240.9551.82
KAIST Fall 2014 First round 53 34.43 37.22 34.4339.8338.7137.0835.87
Busan Summer 2014 First round 42 29.32 36.52 39.9334.6834.9429.3240.05
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