Jinze Li (李金泽)

Completed Solves
China 2014LIJI04 Male 4 98

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 1411 4307 12145 9.25 11.27 11996 4373 1455
2x2x2 Cube 3008 9894 35581 3.70 5.00 25395 7469 2366
4x4x4 Cube 2252 6368 18193 51.31 59.87 19139 6688 2378
Pyraminx 3605 11473 43300 8.36 12.00 41508 11354 3763
3x3x3 Cube
Chengdu Open 2017 Final 7 10.64 11.98 12.1610.6412.6911.3612.42
Second round 8 11.08 12.47 13.8211.6211.0814.3011.97
First round 10 9.64 12.75 9.6411.8213.8214.4012.60
Chengdu Open 2016 Final 7 9.25 11.99 10.3212.0215.6713.629.25
Second round 6 10.83 11.82 11.5712.3813.3311.5210.83
First round 3 10.65 11.27 10.8313.5310.6511.6311.35
Chengdu Open 2015 Final 8 11.14 12.87 12.1711.14DNF15.1111.34
Second round 3 11.15 11.79 12.2511.8614.7211.1511.25
First round 2 10.51 11.88 13.2913.7610.9410.5111.40
Chengdu Open 2014 Final 6 10.70 14.01 10.7013.4014.6014.7114.02
Second round 6 10.40 13.30 13.7913.4610.4012.6414.24
First round 2 11.35 12.24 11.3511.9612.0416.0612.72
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