Zhengjun Lin (林正俊)

Completed Solves
China 2014LINZ01 Male 13 484

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 4836 14285 38859 12.78 15.83 41651 15590 5347
2x2x2 Cube 1582 5284 20102 2.91 4.40 16268 4597 1429
4x4x4 Cube 2875 8260 24350 58.39 1:06.40 23804 8078 2796
5x5x5 Cube 1967 6069 20410 2:17.01 2:27.45 18076 5414 1720
3x3x3 Fewest Moves 802 2475 9043 53
3x3x3 One-Handed 1268 3603 9824 18.49 21.95 8515 3246 1162
Clock 35 188 900 4.93 7.67 1828 397 98
Megaminx 672 2076 7515 1:28.29 1:45.44 8474 2337 762
Pyraminx 1674 5107 19185 5.71 8.03 14803 4255 1508
Skewb 1478 4469 17350 6.35 10.18 18526 4992 1701
Square-1 533 1910 8463 25.54 36.66 9193 2089 621

Medal Collection

Gold Silver Bronze
2 2 0

Record Collection

3x3x3 Cube
Tianjin Open 2016 Second round 31 15.08 16.91 15.0817.1018.4815.1429.99
First round 29 13.06 17.25 19.6617.1014.9813.0619.75
Asian Championship 2016 Second round 305 14.38 17.19 14.3818.3816.4216.7723.80
First round 337 15.02 17.09 18.4415.4019.6117.4415.02
Hefei Open 2016 Second round 59 14.66 17.45 18.6720.3916.3817.3114.66
First round 61 14.99 17.35 14.9916.3219.2116.5322.93
One Night in Beijing 2016 Second round 47 12.78 16.96 17.5512.7815.9717.3620.50
First round 52 17.07 19.04 17.0718.7018.8019.6919.63
Tangshan Open 2016 Second round 35 15.63 18.03 15.6319.5620.9417.5516.98
First round 27 14.03 15.83 16.2619.0215.3015.9214.03
Xi'an Cherry Blossom 2016 Second round 59 13.35 19.88 19.3520.3820.0020.2813.35
First round 58 15.98 18.32 17.1219.6715.9818.1629.92
Tianjin Winter Open 2015 First round 37 16.62 18.17 17.6619.0516.6217.8129.33
Beijing Open 2015 Second round 53 15.18 17.61 17.9217.2217.7018.3515.18
First round 63 16.56 19.17 20.5516.5618.3418.6221.84
China Championship 2015 First round 297 18.81 19.91 20.1619.8318.8119.7328.85
Tianjin University Open 2015 First round 50 14.74 24.96 21.31DNF14.7428.9424.64
BUAA Open 2014 First round 44 21.21 24.85 28.2821.2122.9429.7923.32

History of National Records

Single Average Competition Round Solves
4.93 Xi'an Open 2016 Final
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