Patryk Lisowski

Region WCA ID Gender Competitions Completed Solves
Poland 2014LISO01 Male 2 41

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 2757 26418 108449 22.15 27.71 112803 27465 2873
2x2x2 Cube 3060 28696 104892 7.83 9.18 87594 24110 2620
4x4x4 Cube 2118 18635 62839 2:17.99 3:35.63 45571 12836 1062
Pyraminx 759 5564 16075 5.34 8.82 18912 6317 882
Competition Round Place Single Average Solves
3x3x3 Cube
Krakow Cubing Spree 2014 First round 111 22.15 27.71 32.8322.1526.5129.9426.68
Kielce Cube Attack 2014 Second round 80 25.68 35.80 43.8739.1734.2333.9925.68
First round 78 24.73 29.33 32.1337.0224.7326.9328.93
2x2x2 Cube
Krakow Cubing Spree 2014 First round 109 11.21 11.21DNF
Kielce Cube Attack 2014 First round 74 7.83 9.18 8.1410.4410.209.217.83
4x4x4 Cube
Krakow Cubing Spree 2014 Final 100 2:17.99 2:28.952:17.99
Kielce Cube Attack 2014 First round 72 2:48.17 3:35.63 2:48.173:07.393:47.263:52.25DNF
Krakow Cubing Spree 2014 First round 28 6.90 8.82 DNF7.317.686.9011.48
Kielce Cube Attack 2014 Second round 44 7.24 11.12 7.2412.2010.8211.1411.39
First round 37 5.34 10.29 9.9212.015.349.9111.05
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