Xiangchen Lu (卢相臣)

Completed Solves
China 2014LUXI01 Male 5 83

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 4044 11955 32725 12.05 14.54 32446 12147 4146
2x2x2 Cube 3753 12102 42729 4.05 7.19 62979 19053 6011
4x4x4 Cube 4487 14153 45386 1:29.26 1:35.44 38216 11935 3568
3x3x3 One-Handed 4260 13554 38424 36.83 46.34 37988 13290 3996
Pyraminx 7465 25113 94450 15.89 17.08 74519 19938 6169
3x3x3 Cube
Chengdu Open 2015 Second round 19 12.53 15.74 13.9912.5318.0617.5915.64
First round 10 12.05 14.54 13.6123.1614.4715.5312.05
Xi'an Cherry Blossom 2015 Second round 60 12.82 19.55 26.3017.4619.0822.1112.82
First round 47 16.77 17.44 36.4117.8017.5016.7717.03
Nanning Open 2015 Second round 11 16.11 18.04 17.5519.4016.1118.1618.40
First round 9 15.80 16.84 15.8017.7220.2715.9716.84
Chengdu Open 2014 Second round 24 17.16 18.57 20.6517.1617.2119.9918.50
First round 16 12.57 16.77 20.8214.6212.5719.3316.36
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