Sergio López Moreno

Completed Solves
Spain 2014MORE13 Male 7 262

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 652 11601 46454 13.67 15.88 42022 10421 565
2x2x2 Cube 439 6872 21563 2.99 4.60 19108 5859 347
4x4x4 Cube 646 9956 35195 1:12.60 1:17.65 30671 8684 560
5x5x5 Cube 596 9499 29700 3:25.08
3x3x3 One-Handed 495 8126 31183 31.23 39.53 31891 8246 499
Pyraminx 637 9294 28029 6.75 10.11 27589 9049 587
Skewb 826 11242 35022 10.25 12.21 25632 8292 641
3x3x3 Cube
Cervantes Cubea 2019 Second round 36 18.28 19.43 22.9919.9418.2818.4719.89
First round 43 15.41 19.76 21.8321.1116.3515.41DNF
Madrid Open 2017 Second round 35 16.62 17.78 18.2316.7216.6221.2518.38
First round 21 13.74 15.88 18.2914.4614.8918.9413.74
Cubéate Weekend 2016 Second round 23 13.67 16.50 13.6713.9418.9821.9516.57
First round 23 15.72 17.68 16.5216.6915.7219.8319.97
Arnold Classic Rubik 2015 Second round 21 17.04 18.57 17.5220.4017.7817.0420.92
First round 23 15.71 19.22 15.7120.0521.6920.6616.96
Getafe Open 2015 Second round 22 17.23 20.37 17.9924.1020.0423.0917.23
First round 22 14.40 19.55 20.0519.8318.9319.8914.40
MAD Cube Weekend 2015 Second round 25 18.21 23.12 23.0820.3529.3418.2125.92
First round 27 18.22 21.50 23.6620.3222.2818.2221.89
Spanish Championship 2014 Second round 76 24.72 30.20 29.3630.3133.4024.7230.94
First round 77 26.37 29.92 44.2526.5728.2826.3734.90
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