Tomás Guija Valiente

Completed Solves
Spain 2014VALI02 Male 3 114

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 405 7392 28789 11.60 14.23 30113 7612 404
2x2x2 Cube 942 13857 47255 4.28 4.57 18702 5734 336
4x4x4 Cube 262 4491 15879 48.85 54.65 14742 4151 238
5x5x5 Cube 271 4677 15530 1:54.60 2:10.80 15729 4706 281
6x6x6 Cube 185 3580 11160 4:42.96
3x3x3 One-Handed 173 3297 12324 19.94 25.50 13555 3533 190
Pyraminx 160 2436 6770 3.75 6.15 6929 2382 155
Skewb 396 4569 13419 5.54 8.32 12022 3988 316
3x3x3 Cube
Spanish Championship 2015 Second round 24 11.60 15.58 17.6420.2313.7311.6015.37
First round 16 13.27 14.23 13.5314.6815.2814.4913.27
Spanish Championship 2014 Semi Final 38 14.07 17.56 18.1618.4316.6014.0717.93
Second round 37 15.50 17.26 20.2319.7815.5616.4315.50
First round 38 16.02 18.35 20.2519.0218.7116.0217.31
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