Juan Jose Altamirano

Completed Solves
Chile 2015ALTA02 Male 9 341

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 82 769 11556 9.15 11.04 10821 721 76
2x2x2 Cube 190 2005 26093 3.22 4.73 21101 1472 148
4x4x4 Cube 122 1003 13018 45.80 56.72 16601 1251 147
5x5x5 Cube 128 1137 16202 1:57.09 2:03.10 14372 985 114
3x3x3 Blindfolded 40 524 8033 4:45.00
3x3x3 One-Handed 25 271 3667 14.10 20.22 6467 492 44
Megaminx 49 628 6292 1:21.46 1:24.85 5150 507 39
Pyraminx 64 750 10489 4.43 9.85 25967 1785 158
Skewb 20 229 3318 3.16 6.19 5378 361 35
Square-1 83 543 8352 25.20 29.76 6730 427 65

Medal Collection

Gold Silver Bronze
3 3 4

Record Collection

3x3x3 Cube
Montealegre Open 2023 Second round 16 10.42 11.66 10.9212.8410.4211.2112.85
First round 14 11.38 11.75 11.7711.7111.7816.6011.38
Instituto Nacional Open 2016 Semi Final 2 9.15 11.50 11.8412.0911.4811.189.15
Second round 11 11.09 13.33 12.2111.7111.0916.0816.48
First round 18 9.89 16.83 29.7614.969.8917.3018.22
Los Lagos Open 2016 Final 4 11.83 13.04 11.8311.8413.5413.7417.32
Second round 3 9.82 12.79 11.0413.9614.8713.369.82
First round 1 10.16 11.04 10.4011.3217.1610.1611.41
CECREA 2016 Final 2 9.75 12.26 12.9312.3911.9812.419.75
Second round 5 12.10 13.09 12.5513.8813.7312.1012.98
First round 3 10.29 12.14 10.6811.3614.3710.2918.77
Campeonato Chileno de Verano 2016 Final 23 14.03 17.40 21.4718.1818.1114.0315.92
LMDL Open 2015 Second round 7 14.62 15.94 14.9820.0214.6217.5415.29
First round 7 16.45 17.92 18.4917.9516.4517.5618.25
Instituto Nacional Open 2015 Second round 28 15.83 17.54 22.2116.5315.8319.6016.50
First round 28 14.29 18.66 14.2927.9216.6320.2019.16
Campeonato Chileno de Invierno 2015 Second round 36 17.68 21.09 19.2520.4323.6024.4217.68
First round 34 18.92 22.09 18.9221.1321.8125.1123.33
Valpo 2015 First round 16 23.11 33.11 24.4823.6551.19DNF23.11

History of National Records

Single Average Competition Round Solves
3.16 Los Lagos Open 2016 First round
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