Ethan Amiot

Completed Solves
United States 2015AMIO01 Male 6 172

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 2853 3724 14192 9.60 10.57 8612 2265 1764
2x2x2 Cube 7331 9638 34553 3.66 5.70 37257 10447 7984
4x4x4 Cube 3301 4538 18379 51.54 58.56 18055 4487 3261
5x5x5 Cube 2308 3126 11776 1:40.05 1:44.48 10064 2681 1976
6x6x6 Cube 2437 3239 10773 4:32.97
3x3x3 One-Handed 1508 2062 8595 17.71 23.18 10249 2405 1745
Megaminx 2351 3240 11444 1:50.07 2:02.35 10988 3146 2288
Pyraminx 3134 4049 15569 5.22 11.04 34128 9364 7281
Skewb 4692 5985 20482 6.98 10.97 21405 6243 4891
Square-1 3408 4242 12937 36.56 50.83 12868 4295 3453
3x3x3 Cube
Michigan Cubing Club Gamma 2019 Final 8 9.92 11.55 10.1612.6411.8614.849.92
Second round 11 10.44 11.41 11.3412.8211.5110.4411.38
First round 8 9.60 10.57 10.4211.2112.359.6010.08
Michigan Cubing Club Alpha 2017 Final 10 11.89 12.89 12.3013.6211.8912.7614.00
Semi Final 11 9.78 12.28 14.8910.5911.529.7814.72
Second round 11 11.80 12.83 13.2013.2214.8211.8012.06
First round 20 12.76 15.20 26.2215.9914.9714.6412.76
Michigan Cubing Club Gamma 2016 Second round 17 13.30 14.24 15.8313.5515.3613.3013.80
First round 6 10.73 12.69 13.4512.0610.7312.5713.49
Michigan 2016 Second round 41 12.10 14.37 15.7012.8812.1014.5417.94
First round 41 12.62 14.88 14.2114.6712.6216.3915.76
Summit City Open 2016 Semi Final 14 14.27 16.70 15.6217.0317.4617.5414.27
Second round 12 14.43 15.57 15.3417.6916.2915.0714.43
First round 20 14.36 16.97 16.2426.3516.6618.0114.36
Michigan Cubing Club Delta 2015 First round 65 24.77 28.80 26.1429.6430.6124.7730.98
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