Russ Baxt

Completed Solves
United States 2015BAXT01 Male 5 76

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 6281 8340 32736 12.07 13.85 27526 6944 5240
2x2x2 Cube 5687 7475 26699 3.26 5.52 34019 9530 7324
4x4x4 Cube 6824 9200 34928 1:12.23 1:23.82 33816 9145 6853
5x5x5 Cube 6006 7961 27430 3:02.43 3:28.14 21459 6077 4574
3x3x3 One-Handed 2648 3605 14974 21.42 27.15 16001 3785 2768
3x3x3 Cube
St. Francis II: GYM 2016 Second round 23 12.07 14.57 13.9413.6620.5816.1112.07
First round 23 13.16 14.84 14.3313.1615.9715.8014.38
Caltech Winter 2016 Second round 18 12.50 13.85 16.2213.8714.3713.3112.50
First round 23 14.10 15.14 15.0914.1016.5215.2915.05
Nub Open 2016 First round 31 13.10 17.25 13.1020.0814.5619.0518.15
AZCubing Fall 2015 First round 17 22.18 23.68 26.1622.5322.3422.1827.79
Nisei Week 2015 First round 59 23.73 26.33 24.9324.9829.0932.2423.73
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