Vitor Varjão Chiang

Completed Solves
Brazil 2015CHIA03 Male 14 313

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 239 1069 15177 9.75 12.23 17246 1209 277
2x2x2 Cube 366 1582 21114 2.96 4.75 21338 1493 336
4x4x4 Cube 299 1513 19591 52.85 1:00.68 19745 1533 294
3x3x3 Blindfolded 180 505 7780 4:31.38
3x3x3 Fewest Moves 43 93 1445 30 31.67 690 36 20
3x3x3 One-Handed 416 1716 21343 24.98 29.46 19325 1551 387
Megaminx 307 1324 13572 2:03.16 2:26.11 13360 1308 324
Pyraminx 587 2473 33889 7.38 10.23 28476 1970 458

Medal Collection

Gold Silver Bronze
2 1 0
3x3x3 Cube
Brasília Spring 2018 Final 5 11.39 12.23 17.0411.3912.3312.2212.15
Second round 5 12.59 13.04 13.0714.2012.7413.3112.59
First round 7 10.99 13.57 16.3110.9913.5315.7711.41
Brasília Winter 2018 Final 6 11.78 13.79 14.6711.7813.3213.3715.72
Second round 3 9.75 12.70 12.6211.789.7513.6914.21
First round 3 10.89 13.13 13.9910.8913.0113.2213.15
Brasília Open 2018 Final 5 12.64 13.70 13.7214.5112.9712.6414.42
Second round 6 12.05 14.60 23.6613.9314.3615.5112.05
First round 5 14.18 15.14 15.2414.1814.3215.8717.39
Brasília Spring 2017 Second round 2 11.48 13.09 12.4913.3111.4813.9113.46
First round 3 13.24 14.42 14.3624.2813.2413.4115.48
BOB 2017 Final 5 13.72 15.78 15.9716.6617.6414.7213.72
First round 4 12.33 14.60 15.8112.3312.9516.5915.05
Brasília Spring 2016 Final 2 11.19 13.01 11.1911.3913.6214.0215.71
Second round 3 11.95 14.36 14.9715.7314.8913.2111.95
First round 3 11.84 14.73 16.8120.7413.3211.8414.07
Brasília Open 2016 Final 4 12.29 13.15 12.8613.1616.4412.2913.43
Second round 6 12.77 13.30 20.9413.6213.3912.7712.89
First round 6 12.61 13.89 14.8313.9312.6114.9712.92
Brasilia Spring 2015 Final 7 12.65 13.95 15.1612.6513.3413.5714.93
Second round 8 12.38 14.81 16.9522.2312.3813.5413.94
First round 10 14.34 15.66 17.2514.3414.8516.6515.49
Esquenta para o Mundial 2015 Final 5 12.69 16.19 17.0415.1712.6928.0616.36
Second round 4 12.94 16.10 12.9415.6916.3916.2122.06
First round 5 14.75 17.09 20.8714.75DNF15.3015.11
Brasilia Open 2015 Second round 11 12.89 14.98 13.8112.8916.7115.2415.88
First round 9 11.65 14.54 16.2914.2211.6514.7114.68
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