Casey Chipman

Completed Solves
United States 2015CHIP01 Male 5 214

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 1799 2321 8783 8.64 10.03 6445 1712 1344
2x2x2 Cube 2706 3496 12722 2.46 3.54 6952 1993 1577
4x4x4 Cube 1731 2397 9857 42.40 48.07 9349 2265 1639
5x5x5 Cube 1867 2542 9614 1:32.68 1:52.25 11983 3187 2364
3x3x3 One-Handed 1166 1582 6475 16.32 18.25 4209 1030 764
Pyraminx 2812 3620 14022 5.00 7.67 12989 3246 2522

Medal Collection

Gold Silver Bronze
2 1 4
3x3x3 Cube
Longmont Cube Open 2017 Final 4 10.32 12.18 10.3214.9712.8711.9111.75
Second round 3 9.64 11.21 11.099.6410.9514.3411.60
First round 2 8.64 10.03 10.008.9617.668.6411.13
Albuquerque Spring 2016 Final 4 9.39 13.22 12.749.39DNF11.5015.43
Second round 2 11.68 12.79 14.9011.8213.4713.0711.68
First round 2 8.91 10.31 10.268.9111.2918.909.38
Rocky Mountain Winter 2016 Final 1 10.07 10.76 10.9210.0710.6512.1210.71
Second round 1 9.73 10.58 11.5411.009.7310.1210.61
First round 8 11.59 13.70 13.3811.5912.6719.7715.05
Northern Colorado Summer 2015 Final 3 12.10 12.45 12.5612.2412.8512.5412.10
Second round 8 12.33 13.65 14.7112.8619.5412.3313.39
First round 9 11.75 13.96 14.2513.9314.4411.7513.71
Colorado Springs Open 2015 Second round 9 11.25 14.94 15.2611.2515.4716.1414.09
First round 7 12.24 14.28 13.4412.2417.6914.9314.47
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