Nate Craig

Completed Solves
United States 2015CRAI02 Male 11 438

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 1977 2562 9733 8.80 10.69 9274 2424 1883
2x2x2 Cube 2626 3388 12147 2.41 3.57 7290 2092 1654
4x4x4 Cube 2666 3669 14937 47.70 58.03 17791 4444 3234
5x5x5 Cube 2376 3217 12119 1:40.93 1:53.76 12452 3331 2475
3x3x3 Blindfolded 1440 1903 8421 5:07.10
3x3x3 One-Handed 1597 2181 9098 18.00 20.56 6897 1667 1216
Megaminx 2215 3044 10843 1:45.90 1:55.08 10097 2864 2093
Pyraminx 1340 1705 6792 3.74 4.44 2627 656 531
Skewb 306 374 1437 2.44 3.93 898 227 187
Square-1 1139 1386 4146 16.55 23.11 4307 1417 1167

Medal Collection

Gold Silver Bronze
4 7 3
3x3x3 Cube
Spring Forward 2018 Final 11 10.02 12.00 11.3814.7811.7812.8510.02
Second round 9 9.15 10.69 13.3210.749.1510.9910.35
First round 9 9.91 11.44 10.4414.2912.529.9111.36
Parity for Charity 2017 Final 10 11.39 12.59 12.4011.3912.8712.4915.96
Second round 8 9.35 10.91 10.859.599.3513.2112.29
First round 15 10.20 13.72 10.2018.3013.4712.5015.18
KCubing Fall 2017 Final 10 8.80 11.54 8.8013.6112.4511.3410.83
Second round 9 10.28 11.60 14.4310.6310.2812.2711.90
First round 7 11.35 11.71 11.3511.5912.0213.6211.52
KCubing Winter 2017 Final 3 8.93 11.07 10.2713.728.9312.7210.21
Second round 5 9.29 12.39 12.7812.489.2915.3311.91
First round 3 9.66 11.26 12.5212.0110.689.6611.10
Dallas Winter Variation 2017 Final 9 10.92 11.93 10.9212.0612.7910.9413.73
Second round 10 9.88 11.78 11.2713.2912.0012.079.88
First round 11 9.65 12.68 9.6513.4314.1513.1011.50
Oklahoma Fall 2016 Final 7 10.69 12.44 12.9710.6913.1814.7511.18
Second round 6 9.95 12.12 10.629.9510.6315.1215.10
First round 5 10.65 11.13 11.6610.6510.8620.5310.87
Westlake Open 2016 Final 5 10.97 12.03 14.6311.6910.9711.1413.26
Second round 5 11.27 12.36 13.7011.6811.2713.2912.11
First round 5 11.46 11.77 12.5412.1611.4611.4611.70
Dallas Spring 2016 Second round 17 12.59 14.91 15.4713.9012.5919.1615.35
First round 9 12.30 13.71 12.6314.6412.3015.9013.85
OKCubing 2016 Second round 14 14.29 15.84 14.7214.2916.4019.3816.39
First round 14 11.99 16.41 16.4213.2211.9919.5920.59
Dallas Winter 2015 Second round 30 16.51 19.11 16.5121.2220.6016.9919.73
First round 26 15.32 17.30 16.7418.1318.0017.1615.32
Dallas Back to School 2015 First round 28 19.59 22.21 27.8421.1521.8419.5923.64
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