Guilherme Morgado Fonseca

Completed Solves
Brazil 2015FONS01 Male 4 117

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 908 3836 47860 13.84 16.01 42924 3359 783
2x2x2 Cube 1473 5889 74629 5.65 6.96 58996 4334 1033
4x4x4 Cube 752 3486 44257 1:27.42 1:39.61 39248 3175 718
5x5x5 Cube 419 1751 24941 2:43.48 3:23.08 21353 1623 439
3x3x3 One-Handed 529 2133 26235 27.95 36.04 27915 2263 570
Megaminx 685 2219 25476 3:51.08 4:20.63 16767 1718 544
Pyraminx 493 2101 29036 6.86 9.07 20804 1437 331
3x3x3 Cube
Faria Brito Open 2017 Second round 11 15.44 16.45 17.3415.8117.1016.4515.44
First round 8 13.84 16.01 14.9615.8219.4013.8417.26
Faria Brito Open 2016 Final 8 15.69 17.31 19.3519.0216.4015.6916.51
Second round 8 17.62 18.39 18.1819.1517.8320.2917.62
First round 12 17.29 19.06 19.1619.7418.2721.9317.29
World Rubik's Cube Championship 2015 First round 250 19.71 22.96 24.9023.2923.7321.8719.71
Faria Brito Open 2015 First round 34 28.93 39.90 42.0830.4028.9347.22DNF
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