Elias Fret

Completed Solves
Belgium 2015FRET01 Male 5 106

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 235 13188 52968 14.44 17.21 51544 12717 225
2x2x2 Cube 339 19502 69026 5.35 6.99 59481 16754 293
4x4x4 Cube 191 10331 36545 1:14.61 1:29.74 36276 10244 192
5x5x5 Cube 170 8821 27852 3:06.25
Pyraminx 227 12714 39648 8.01 13.61 53088 16559 277
3x3x3 Cube
N8W8 Summer 2016 Final 20 14.65 17.62 20.3417.6514.6516.0319.19
Second round 20 14.44 17.30 17.9316.4317.5519.4014.44
First round 21 16.06 18.18 20.7716.5516.0621.0817.22
Zeeland Open 2016 Final 14 16.40 17.31 16.8416.8820.6918.2216.40
Second round 16 16.53 18.22 16.5317.9721.3316.8619.83
First round 15 15.33 17.21 15.4319.2916.9215.3321.75
Hasselt Open 2015 Second round 25 18.84 19.54 19.7220.0621.5818.8418.84
First round 28 17.65 20.68 20.8021.4419.8026.1917.65
Dutch Nationals 2015 Second round 39 18.29 22.31 23.0719.7318.2924.1224.39
First round 37 18.97 21.13 19.3822.5521.7522.2718.97
Belgium Summer 2015 Second round 21 19.41 20.76 19.4922.6919.4129.9820.10
First round 22 19.07 23.27 26.0725.9822.1519.0721.69
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