Matthew Hagen

Completed Solves
United States 2015HAGE05 Male 5 75

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 3250 4252 16328 9.93 11.63 13873 3577 2737
2x2x2 Cube 6042 7929 28414 3.34 4.18 13496 3796 2958
3x3x3 One-Handed 9011 12198 46654 46.39 53.26 41995 11134 8236
Pyraminx 4994 6453 24097 6.29 8.59 18047 4647 3612
Skewb 4451 5674 19548 6.78 12.60 27128 8168 6451
3x3x3 Cube
Michigan Cubing Club Gamma 2018 Second round 12 10.29 12.81 14.4212.6319.7210.2911.38
First round 7 10.96 11.63 12.1511.1011.6312.7010.96
Michigan Cubing Club Beta 2018 Second round 25 11.95 13.47 12.3311.9514.1513.9420.59
First round 25 9.93 13.55 14.599.9312.4920.7113.56
Michigan Cubing Club Alpha 2018 First round 37 13.08 17.11 18.6913.0816.0419.1216.59
Shaker Heights 2016 First round 28 20.00 23.01 24.7726.6021.7620.0022.51
Michigan Cubing Club Delta 2015 First round 64 22.90 28.67 34.6426.1222.9025.241:03.43
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