Roberto Herrera

Region WCA ID Gender Competitions Completed Solves
Argentina 2015HERR05 Male 2 32

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 1340 23397 229493 1:16.52 1:25.87 222760 22684 1307
2x2x2 Cube 937 13167 150325 20.08 22.93 141271 12125 864
4x4x4 Cube 493 5380 70931 5:41.75
Pyraminx 669 8609 106522 29.95 41.84 102638 8077 652
Skewb 318 3688 61460 1:39.37 2:24.66 58732 3407 307
Competition Round Place Single Average Solves
3x3x3 Cube
Happy Winter MDQ 2017 First round 37 1:16.52 1:30.58 1:16.521:35.881:21.371:47.001:34.49
UTN Otoño 2015 First round 101 1:17.86 1:25.87 1:25.183:05.371:29.271:17.861:23.16
2x2x2 Cube
Happy Winter MDQ 2017 First round 35 20.08 22.93 21.4927.2324.3422.9620.08
UTN Otoño 2015 First round 75 21.35 1:01.82 2:10.711:01.861:09.2521.3554.34
4x4x4 Cube
UTN Otoño 2015 Final 57 5:41.75 5:41.756:49.34
Happy Winter MDQ 2017 Final 22 29.95 41.84 56.1234.5146.5644.4429.95
UTN Otoño 2015 Final 23 1:39.37 2:24.66 2:23.251:39.372:27.582:49.582:23.16
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