Gonzalo Jiménez

Completed Solves
Chile 2015JIME08 Male 4 35

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 537 5763 69277 16.44 17.86 56042 4507 426
3x3x3 Cube
Latin America Cubing Tour - Santiago 2017 Semi Final 48 17.16 17.86 17.5218.8517.1617.2128.65
Second round 67 18.75 19.65 21.6819.9019.1819.8718.75
First round 78 16.44 20.37 16.4422.7820.0119.7221.37
Sótero del Río 2016 First round 33 19.69 21.89 22.4523.0721.3319.6921.88
Instituto Nacional Open 2016 Second round 44 17.97 23.91 23.1922.6517.9725.8926.51
First round 50 23.86 24.23 23.8624.2524.2327.2924.22
Instituto Nacional Open 2015 First round 81 47.23 51.01 54.0749.9947.2348.971:00.88
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